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Le Baby app on an iPhone beside a baby bottle and a baby pacifier
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No More Password Headaches with the Simple and Secure Le Baby app

For new parents, keeping track of their baby's growth, feeding, and sleeping patterns is crucial. However, having to create an account and remember a password can be a hassle, especially for sleep-deprived parents. This is where Le Baby comes in, offering a simple and secure solution for tracking your baby's progress.

The cool thing with Le Baby is that you don’t need a password to set up sharing

As sharing is based on iCloud, it uses the Apple ID account parents already have and use daily to set up the sharing of their baby’s updates. No need to give an email, so they don’t end up with tons of unsolicited emails to clean up. No need to choose, store or memorise a password, so they can’t forget it. It’s an easy and hassle-free solution for parents to log and monitor their baby's progress. Whether it's logging a feeding session or recording a nap, the app offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to keep track of your baby's milestones.


Sharing made easy

For parents who need to share their baby's progress with a partner, Le Baby offers an easy solution. The app allows data to be shared between parents, without the need for passwords or accounts. This means that both parents can access the app and view their baby's progress, making it easier to keep each other informed and on the same page.

A great user experience recommended by many parents

Le Baby also offers a range of features, including baby growth charts, breastfeeding monitoring, bottle feeding, nappy tracking, and sleep tracking. These features make it easy to log and monitor your baby's progress, ensuring they are developing as expected.


Le Baby is a must-have for new parents. With its password-free access and the ability to share data between parents, it offers a simple and secure solution for tracking your baby's progress. So, download Le Baby today and start streamlining the process of newborn care as partners.

Le Baby was selected in the "Helpful Apps for Parents" by Apple on the App Store