Le Baby – in app purchases


Two in app purchases are available to get unlimited entries in Le Baby.

The first one, better priced, is not compatible with Apple’s Family Sharing program. If you choose this purchase, you will be the only person to enjoy it.

The second one is compatible with Apple’s Family Sharing program. It allows you to share your purchase with up to 5 other family members. You need to add your relatives to your Family Sharing to make it work. This page explains how to set it up.

⚠️ Journal sharing doesn’t carry the in app purchase to invited participants, only Family Sharing can.

Your purchase isn’t shared?

Following these steps should solve the problem:

  1. Update iOS to at least 17.3. Apple made corrections in this version that really improved how in-app-purchases are shared.

  2. Set up Family sharing with the persons you want to benefit from your purchase.

  3. Make sure Purchase sharing is enabled in your device’s Settings app (touch your profile on top, then “Family Sharing”, then “Purchase sharing”).

  4. Touch the “restore purchase” link at the bottom of the journal’s settings screen in Le Baby, on all your Family Sharing devices.

Apple has a support page explaining what you should do if you can’t find shared apps and content.

If it still doesn’t work, contact us using the “Send feedback” link on the journal settings screen. The mail subject will contain informations about your device and app that will help us understand your context without having to ask you too much question.




If you haven’t found the answer to your question, ask us with a quick message, we do our best to reply as soon as possible: use the “send feedback” link in your baby’s journal settings.