A baby tracker to share with your partner

A animated gif showing two iPhones side by side. On the left one, a bottle feeding is recorded. A moment later, the record appears on the device in the right, illustrating journal sharing with Le Baby.
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If you and your partner are both on iOS, you’re in luck.

Le Baby is a baby tracker app providing an easy and private way to sync your baby’s breastfeeding, bottle feeding, diaper changes, vitamin, sleep, growth, and more. It relies on your existing iCloud accounts, so it’s fast to set up, without need to expose your email address: no spam, no password you could forget.
4.8 stars on the App Store: very easy to use even when you only have one free hand. It’s free to download and try all features, so don’t waste time and install it now.


Track baby feeding with your partner

Wether your baby is breastfed, bottle fed with breast milk or formula milk, Le Baby will help you day in and day out. One of the best feeding tracking app, Le Baby’s ease of use and clockwork like sharing feature are recommended by many parents who have used it, and gladly come back to it when number 2 comes around. Feeding and sharing is not all it has to offer, and that’s good because newborn care is not just about these two. Many more features help parents get the hang of their new responsibilities, gain confidence, and in the end ensure their baby’s well-being.


Le Baby compares well with all the best baby tracker apps

Every app for newborn is different, and while they usually all cover the basics, they have their strong offering, and it can be difficult for future parents to evaluate them properly. Before highlighting how Le Baby stands out of other baby apps, here’s a list of the common features.

Breastfeeding monitoring


Le Baby helps parents to monitor breastfeeding with its user-friendly breastfeeding timer, which will highlight which side to feed with at the next nursing. It will help parents know if their newborn has had enough to eat, and help mothers keep an eye on their lactation balance.


Bottle feeding tracking

What baby app doesn’t have this? Le Baby speeds up the process of recording a new bottle feeding by remembering the volume that was recorded last. As babies usually drink the same amount of formula milk when they feed with a bottle for a period of days, it prevents parents adjusting the volume every time, or worse typing it with a keyboard. Why is it worse? Because it works well only if your fingers hit the right buttons every time. In the middle of the night, half asleep, while rocking a baby in your arms.

Diapers tracking

This is probably the simplest screen in Le Baby: a button for pee, and a button for poo. Other apps will let you document color and quality, but we went for simplicity and large comfortable buttons, so recording can be done with just one hand on the spot, or later if you made a mess and need to clean your hands first.

Sleep tracking

Sleep tracking isn’t for all parents but it’s good to have it, if your baby starts to have an impossible sleeping pattern. Combined with our routine graphs, it will offer some help to figure out what happens. Good also for curious parents who want to find out how their baby sleep is changing.


Don’t underestimate the value of notes. You never know what comes around with a baby, but it’s pretty sure your brain will not be at a 100% with 3~4 hours sleep nights for a few weeks. Combined with sharing, and protected by encryption for full privacy, these notes can also be a great way to document your first parenting weeks in anyway you see fit.

Temperature monitoring

There will be fevers. Le Baby will help you monitor them precisely.


We’re not going to explain this one, but you can get all the details about it if you wish to.


This one either.

Head Circumference

Nor this one.


This one, we’ll do. Because there’s sharing, and there’s sharing. There’s sharing using your email and an account you have to set up while agreeing to a privacy policy you won’t take the time to read because who does, right? In this situation, you know – or should – you’re not the only one reading your records. For bottle volumes and diaper content, who cares? Turns out marketing emails will stuff your inbox a little more, ads for diapers and formula milk will be presented to you over and over and over, and you’ll prevent yourself from writing down notes that could be too personal. On the other hand, there’s sharing like Le Baby does it: no email, no password, no ads, totally private so you can write about your anecdotes, emotions, or document the evolution of your nipple cracks without second thoughts. Your data is end-to-end encrypted and stay on iCloud servers. There are no Le Baby servers where we could get a hand on your records. We don’t know who uses our app, we don’t know who shares with who. As it should be. So there’s “sharing with my partner and who knows else and oh more emails to clean up”, and there’s plain and simple private sharing.



A lot of baby tracking apps provide graphs where it’s possible to review the baby’s routine overtime, and see pattern emerge in feeding and sleeping most notably. We’ll be honest here: while it’s good to have them, the majority are inscrutable, and some are downright ugly. We pride ourselves to have come up with a much more legible and beautiful proposition. Also offered right out of the box: you can export them as a png to store for future memories, or send some to your paediatrician when he asks you how’s your baby has been eating and your brain just go beeeeeep. Beside routine graphs, Le Baby also has breastfeeding charts, bottle feeding charts, pee, poo, and sleep charts. Charts for weight, height and head circumference show WHO percentile references so you can see how your baby’s growth patterns compares to all the babies on the planet.

A baby is held in the arms of his father who holds the hand of his wife using his free hand.

Le Baby has more to offer than other baby apps

Ok, now we get to enumerate the reasons why Le Baby shines bright and high in the best baby tracker apps land.


“DID YOU GIVE HER THE VITAMINS YET!!!???”. How many times did I yelled this across the appartement when my child was still a baby? How many times did I forget to ask my partner after she woke up from her nap? With this simple feature, it really takes about 3,5 seconds to record a vitamin drop from a cold phone, and both of you will always know if it’s time to give a few drops of vitamin D to your baby or not.

One handed use

A photograph of the baby tracking app Le Baby shown in an iPhone 13 pro held by a person who records a bottle feeding with it.

Yes, your baby needs you………constantly. So your hands will be very very very busy for a few weeks. We knew that when we designed Le Baby, and this is why all major features of the app can be used using the thumb of the hand holding the phone: adding/editing/deleting an entry, editing time, starting the breastfeeding timer and the sleep timer. We made the buttons huge, they’re difficult to miss.


Another ergonomic feature we’re proud of: we made text as large as we could, icons as distinct as possible, each screen as visually explicit as possible. This means that if you’re supposed to wear prescription glasses, but you left them in the living room, and now you can’t see a thing but you need to start breastfeeding right now because BABY IS CRYING AND DEMANDING IT RIGHT NOW and would like to know which breast you should feed him, well you absolutely can, even if it’s a little blurry.


To our knowledge, and as of May 3rd 2023, we’re the only baby tracking app to offer end-to-end encryption while sharing, with no corporate access to user data. When you don’t use sharing, data remains on your device, or on iCloud servers if you explicitly activated iCloud backup.

Multiple babies

We’ve had a lot of amazing feedback from parents with twins who told us how much Le Baby had helped them deal with the tsunami they went through. Swipe left and right to view all your babies’ journals. At least 12 color themes to choose from will help you know instantly which baby is in view.


There’s a baby tracker app we will not name, where you have to send a request to get the data about YOUR baby that YOU made the effort to put in. And then it comes back in an email from Google. Le Baby is simpler: you tap a button, you get a csv file from the app.


Le Baby comes with an automated rolling backup feature happening in the background. Murphy’s law, and better safe than sorry. Your journals are stored locally on your device, in the Files app, every time you make a change.


What Le Baby doesn’t do

We’ll save you time and efforts by listing here what Le Baby doesn’t provide while other newborn feeding tracking app might:

  • coffee,

  • milk expression monitoring,

  • baby milestones,

  • detailed poo,

  • reminders,

  • selling your data,

  • selling your device location,

  • ads display.

There might be a deal breaker here for you, but you probably should try it anyway and experience its benefit before making a final decision. It’s free, no need to give your email or credit card information.


Not a parent yet? This is what you need to know

Having a baby is one of the most exciting and transformative experiences a couple can have. But it's also a time of intense change, as new parents navigate the many challenges of caring for a newborn. One of the important ways new parents can support each other during this time is by taking caring shifts to get as much sleep as they can. Being on the same page about their baby's feeding and sleeping without having to wake the other parent is key. A baby tracker app with sharing such as Le Baby can be a valuable tool for doing just that.

An illustration of the baby tracker app Le Baby with a list of all its main features, such as breastfeeding tracking, bottle tracking, sleep tracking, growth tracking. It also lists the differentiating points such as sharing with partner and privacy.

Why sharing is important

One of the biggest benefits of sharing a baby tracker with a partner is that it helps both parents stay informed and involved in their baby's care. With the demands of caring for a newborn, it can be easy for one parent to feel like they're shouldering the bulk of the responsibility. Sharing a baby tracker can help to balance the workload and ensure that both parents are up-to-date on their baby's health and wellness.

Another benefit of sharing a baby tracker is that it can help to improve communication between partners. When both parents are involved in tracking their baby's health, they can discuss any concerns they have and work together to find solutions. This can help to prevent misunderstandings and ensure that both parents are on the same page when it comes to their baby's care.


Well-being benefits

Using a baby tracker can also have a positive impact on the sleep quality of both parents. When both parents are sharing information about their baby's sleep patterns, they can work together to ensure that each is getting enough rest. For example, if one parent is feeling especially tired, they can coordinate with their partner to take over the night shift, ensuring that both parents are getting the rest they need to be at their best for their baby.

In addition to improving sleep quality, sharing a baby tracker can also help to improve the well-being of both parents. When both partners are involved in their baby's care, they can work together to manage the stress and challenges of new parenthood. This can help to improve their overall well-being and reduce the risk of burnout.

Sharing a baby tracker can also have a positive impact on the well-being of the baby. When both parents are up-to-date on their baby's health and wellness, they can work together to ensure that their baby is getting the care and attention they need to thrive. This can help to improve their baby's overall health and well-being, and set them up for a happy and healthy childhood.


Parents privacy

One of the biggest concerns for new parents is the privacy and security of their baby's information. With so many data breaches and cyber attacks in the news, it's understandable that parents would be worried about sharing their baby's information online. However, Le Baby is designed with privacy in mind, and does not collect any data from its users. Parents can feel confident that their baby's information is safe and secure, and that it will not be shared with any third parties.


Look back

Finally, sharing a baby tracker with a partner can be a helpful tool for building a lasting record of their baby's early days and weeks. It can be difficult to remember the details of each feeding or sleep pattern, but with a baby tracker, you have a permanent record of these important moments. You can look back on your baby's health and wellness and see how it's changed and grown over time.


Sharing Le Baby with a partner can provide many benefits for new parents. It helps to improve communication, balance the workload, improve sleep quality, reduce stress and improve well-being for both parents. It also helps to ensure that both parents are involved in their baby's care, and that their baby is getting the attention they need to thrive. So, download the Baby Tracker app today. So, download Le Baby today and start tracking your baby's milestones with ease.

A photograph of the App Store app on an iPhone 13 pro showing that Le Baby was selected in the "Helpful Apps for Parents" by Apple